
Exalt, Equip, and Expand

John 12:32

And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.”

The Church's Purpose

The church's purpose in all places and all times is to lift up Christ by the public exaltation of Jesus in preaching and worship, to equip of the saints toward full maturity in Christ and to expand his kingdom by advancing the gospel of  Jesus Christ.   
EXALT - We lift up Christ by exalting his name and his work through the public proclamation of Christ in the preaching of His holy Word (1 Cor 1:17-2:5) and the corporate proclamation of Christ in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs (Col 3:16).  

EQUIP - We lift up Christ by equipping the saints to speak the truth in love in order to build one another up towards full maturity in Christ (Eph 4:11-16) through the organized ministries, classes and fellowships of the church.  
EXPAND - We lift up Christ by expanding his kingdom through the advancement of the gospel as we publicly preach the gospel, endeavor to make new disciples in our communities and support worldwide missions (Matt 28:19-20).  

Practical Implications for the Ministries of Gospel Fellowship

The Elders
shall lift up Christ by giving themselves primarily to the preaching and teaching of the holy Word of God (Acts 6:4), guarding the good deposit of the gospel that has been handed down to them (1 Tim 6:20), shepherding the flock of God, exercising oversight over the ministries, serving as examples in all areas of life as stewards serving under the Chief Shepherd (1 Pet 5:1-6) who has purchased the church with his own blood (Acts 20:28).
The Deacons
shall lift up Christ by serving the practical needs of the church, both corporate and individual, so as to free up the elders for the ministry of the Word and prayer (Acts 6:4) in a manner that magnifies the name of Christ by displaying mature godly character in all areas of service and life (1 Tim 3:8-13).
The Worship Team
shall lift up Christ by developing services that proclaim the worth of Christ in high praise to our holy God and skillfully lead (Ps 33:3) the church body to teach and admonish one another through the singing of Scripture-saturated psalms, hymns and spiritual songs (Col 3:16).
The Nursery Ministry
shall lift up Christ by providing a loving and safe environment filled with the saving love of Christ and by praying for the salvation of these little ones entrusted into our care by the parents, but most importantly, by our Heavenly Father.
The Children's Ministry
shall lift up Christ by partnering with parents, who are the primary disciplers of their own children, by providing a solid foundation for their faith in Bible instruction, sound doctrine and worship, training them to be actively engaged in the body of Christ, the church.
The Student Ministry
shall lift up Christ by partnering with parents, who are the primary disciplers of their own children, by praying for and teaching students in the Word of God so that they find their Meaning in Christ, grow in Maturity in Christ, engage in the Mission from Christ and Model Christian discipleship through their words, attitudes and actions to others who need Christ.
The Equippers Ministry
shall lift up Christ by providing relevant classes and seminars to equip the church body to live out the full maturity of Christ, to build up others towards maturity in love (Eph 4:11-16) and to skillfully plant and water seeds of the gospel so others come to know Christ (1 Cor 3:6).
The Men's and Women's Ministry
shall lift up Christ by equipping men and women to delight in and meditate upon God’s Word (Ps 1), building a culture of discipleship amongst one another with deep roots and mature, Christlike fruit in character, disciplines and friendships.
The Fellowship Ministry
shall lift up Christ by providing opportunities that foster a culture of Christ-centered friendships where old friends are treasured and new friends are welcomed for the sake of the gospel.
The Greeting Ministry
seeks to exalt Christ and expand his kingdom by extending gospel-saturated fellowship in the grace, kindness and love of Christ with a heart towards welcoming people to worship at Gospel Fellowship on Sunday mornings.
The Missions Program
shall lift up Christ by exalting God and expanding his kingdom locally, domestically and internationally through intentional partnerships with like-minded individuals and ministries with the priority being placed on the planting of new churches and strengthening existing churches. the description goes.