Student Ministries at Gospel Fellowship:
(Grades 7-12)
Our Student Ministry seeks to lift up Christ by partnering with parents, who bear the primary responsibility for the discipleship of their children, by praying for and teaching students in the Word of God so that they find their meaning in Christ, grow in maturity in Christ, engage in the mission from Christ and model Christian discipleship through their words, attitudes and actions to others who need Christ. At Gospel Fellowship we call these the 4-M's of Christ-centered discipleship
the Four M's of Christ-centered discipleship

Meaning in Christ
Gospel Fellowship Student Ministry seeks to help students develop a foundation where they define themselves and IDENTIFY themselves as primarily and most importantly in Christ alone.

Maturity in Christ
Gospel Fellowship Student Ministry seeks to help students develop Christ-like CHARACTER as measured by Biblically-based MOTIVATIONS, INTEGRITY, PURITY, and INTENTIONS.

Mission from Christ
Gospel Fellowship Student Ministry seeks to help students discover and grow in their understanding of God's PURPOSE and TASK that He has CALLED, GIFTED, and EQUIPPED them for. This includes but is not limited to, missions (globally) but also their role and responsibility for Christ in their cultural context

Modeling Christian Discipleship
Gospel Fellowship Student Ministry seeks to help students combine their meaning in Christ, maturity in Christ, and their mission from Christ into cohesive commitments to Jesus through their WORDS, ACTIONS, MENTORING, and TEACHING others to do the same in their unique and individual spheres of peers and family.