Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Gospel Fellowship is committed to seeing the gospel of Jesus Christ proclaimed in our neighborhoods, our cities, our nation and around the world.

Local Missions Partners

The Charles Simeon Trust
Exists to promote the growth of the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world by training up the next generation of Biblical expositors.
It is our conviction that the health of the Church depends on the proclamation of God’s Word. It depends on the proclamation of preachers and teachers who believe the Bible to be the very Word of God, and the expositional ministry that flows from that proclamation.
For more information on The Charles Simeon Trust click here.
Exists to promote the growth of the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world by training up the next generation of Biblical expositors.
It is our conviction that the health of the Church depends on the proclamation of God’s Word. It depends on the proclamation of preachers and teachers who believe the Bible to be the very Word of God, and the expositional ministry that flows from that proclamation.
For more information on The Charles Simeon Trust click here.
The Milwaukee Rescue Mission
The mission of the Milwaukee Rescue Mission is to share God’s love by caring for those who are poor in body, mind and spirit, to see lives transformed through Christ to hope, joy and lasting productivity.
For more information on the Milwaukee Rescue Mission click here.
The mission of the Milwaukee Rescue Mission is to share God’s love by caring for those who are poor in body, mind and spirit, to see lives transformed through Christ to hope, joy and lasting productivity.
For more information on the Milwaukee Rescue Mission click here.
Global Mission Partners

Paul Karstens is a pastor in South Africa and a Professor engaged in the training local Pastors for the work of ministry.
Paul Karstens is a pastor in South Africa and a Professor engaged in the training local Pastors for the work of ministry.

Mark and Laura ambrose, the MTW Planting Cambodia Team
Mark and Laura serve with the MTW Planting Cambodia Team, providing medical care for people who are considered marginalized
Mark and Laura serve with the MTW Planting Cambodia Team, providing medical care for people who are considered marginalized