Prayer for Week of 3/25/24

Please use this prayer guide throughout the week as you pray individually and as a family.

Prayer Passage: Hebrews 2:11-18

Pray that we at Gospel Fellowship would be more and more led by the cross to deny ourselves like Christ that we might build one another up with the love of Christ.

Prayer for our Church Families:

  • William Mohn
  • Mary Ann Murray:  Pray for May Ann's Bible study that she leads and for those in attendance.  That they would be encouraged by the word and grow in submission and relationship with Jesus. 

Prayer for Local and Global Missions:

Neighborhood: That our neighbors would see the glory of the cross as we deny ourselves like Christ that we might build one another up with the love of Christ. (John 13:35)

Local Missions: Milwaukee Rescue Mission

Global Missions: Paul and Marilyn Karstens (Cape Town, South Africa)

  • Pray Paul to be able to finalize the details for their trip to the US.  
  • Pray for Paul as he continues to teach at Cape Town Biblical College and at church, that God would be glorified and that God would sustain his strength. 

Voice of the Martyrs: Kyrgyzstan
  • Christian converts are commonly beaten and generally oppressed by society. 
  • Believers have a difficult time getting jobs and even purchasing goods. 
  • Praise God some churches do worship openly.

*We want to pray for you. Please email prayer requests to

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