Prayer for Week of 6/24/24

Please use this prayer guide throughout the week as you pray individually and as a family.

Prayer Passage: Ecclesiastes 2:18-23

Pray that we at Gospel Fellowship would fear God in a fallen world that we might enjoy Him now and forever in a restored world.

Prayer for our Church Families:

  • Eric and Amanda Uting
  • Devin and Allison Vento

Prayer for Local and Global Missions:

Neighborhood: That our neighbors would see the glory of the cross as we deny ourselves like Christ that we might build one another up with the love of Christ. (John 13:35)

Local Missions: Milwaukee Rescue Mission

Global Missions: Mark and Laura Ambrose (Cambodia)

  • Family Clinic - God's provision for a building.  Right now Family Clinic is renting but we desire to have a permanent location suitable to the services of the clinic.  This is the 'dream' but we know our God is big.  
  • Church.  Pray for the church to be strengthened and grounded in Christ andHis word, the raising up of elders and deacons and a growing understanding of the importance of the local church.

Voice of the Martyrs: Niger
  • Pray for effective Bible distributions among the Tuareg people. 
  • Pray for Fulani Christians who are sharing the gospel with Fulani Muslims. 
  • Pray for the protection of believers living in areas where Islamists often attack Christians.  Pray that Muslims will hear the gospel and come to faith in Jesus Christ.  
  • Pray that new believers will have Christian fellowship and grow in God’s Word. 

*We want to pray for you. Please email prayer requests to

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