Prayer for Week of 12/30/24

Please use this prayer guide throughout the week as you pray individually and as a family.

Prayer Passage: Worship with Purpose

Pray that we at Gospel Fellowship would fear God in a fallen world that we might enjoy Him now and forever in a restored world.

Prayer for our Church Families:

  • Bob and Angie Miller: They ask that you pray for wisdom for them as they come along side Angie's Dad, who lost his wife recently. His dementia is really complicating his grief.
  • Zach and Sam Miller

Prayer for Local and Global Missions:

Neighborhood: That our neighbors would see the glory of the cross as we deny ourselves like Christ that we might build one another up with the love of Christ. (John 13:35)

Missions: Simeon Trust

Voice of the Martyrs: Algeria
  • Pray for Bible distributors and recipients, as distributions are risky and government officials confiscate Bibles.
  • Pray that Christians in Algeria will hold fast to “the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 1:3). 
  • Pray that Christians whose churches have been closed by authorities will find ways to meet.
  • Pray that Christians whose churches have been closed by authorities will reach out to their neighbors despite the risks.

*We want to pray for you. Please email prayer requests to

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